A long-haul freighter crew aboard the Tulpar is suddenly shipwrecked out in space by their dedicated captain, Curly. With nowhere else to go and nothing that can be done, the crew struggles to survive by drinking their only cargo: mouthwash.
A narrative-focused, psychological horror game, “Mouthwashing,” goes beyond the usual scope of what makes a game disturbing and uncomfortable. Unlike many horror games, there are no zombies, cults, or demons the player must contend with. Instead, “Mouthwashing” opts for something far more unsettling: madness.
Giving away details about “Mouthwashing” would do an injustice to anyone who hasn’t played it yet, especially considering that there are only roughly two hours of gameplay.
There are interactive elements to “Mouthwashing,” but the player has no agency to make choices like they would in most other games. Instead, the interactions progress the story forward rather than splice the gameplay with cutscenes.
The graphics are reminiscent of PlayStation 1-era horror games such as “Silent Hill” or “Resident Evil,” which lends it a nostalgic feel. The lack of fidelity allows the developer Wrong Organ to portray truly gruesome depictions while still engaging the player’s imagination to fill in some blanks.
This stylistic choice makes the gory imagery more impactful and less gratuitous. The soundtrack is composed of lo-fi synths and ambient noise which does the job of creating an atmosphere just on the edge of unnerving.
Mouthwashing’s characters are well fleshed out as they are not always likable, but they are relatable in ways you might not want them to be. Each crew member on the Tulpar has a role to play on the ship and the game continually emphasizes that they must take responsibility to fulfill their duties, despite being stranded.
Pony Express, the crew’s employer (and a nod to the defunct express mail service) is also demonstrated to have a part to play in the downfall of the Tulpar. Even if it is not directly acknowledged, commentary on corporate greed is not masked.
“Mouthwashing” explores what it means to take action and acknowledge the reality that is being faced. Sometimes the choices someone makes are a far more terrifying monster than any creature from any other horror game could conjure.
Despite its short gameplay, the narrative is compelling from the instant the game launches and there are no dull moments. “Mouthwashing” is an unusual and thought-provoking video game that leaves an all-day fire fresh impression.